Get Benlysta at BioHealth Infusion Center

About Benlysta

Benlysta (belimumab) is used to treat active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) or active lupus nephritis (lupus-related kidney inflammation) in people who are receiving other lupus medicines.

In lupus, the immune system produces harmful antibodies that attack the body’s own tissues. Benlysta targets a type of white blood cell, called B-cells, that produce these antibodies. Benlysta works by binding to the protien BLyS that is necessary for B-cells to grow.

Getting Your Benlysta Infusion

Benlysta is usually administered once every 4 weeks as a one-hour infusion, though it can alo be given subcutaneously, in the abdomen or thigh. Subcutaneous injections are generally given once each week.

Your doctor may prescribe premedication with an antihistamine, acetaminophen, and/or corticosteroid along with your Avsola infusion.


First Approval:



Get Avsola at BioHealth Infusion Center and enjoy:

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Our goal is to provide patients with courteous, prompt, and experienced infusion care. With just one phone call to the infusion center, the authorization process can begin immediately. All reimbursement and financial assistance options are explored in order to provide the patient’s infusion therapy at the lowest out-of-pocket costs to them.

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